Available in both print and digital editions
Practical Design of Concrete Shells, written by Dr. Arnold Wilson specifically for engineers, architects, builders and students of civil engineering, is a long overdue, sorely needed reference text on the construction of concrete thin shells.
The persuasion process is often a long one! Take the case of David B. South, Monolithic’s president, and Dr. Arnold Wilson, Professor Emeritus of Engineering at Brigham Young University (BYU).
David wanted a comprehensive text that explained the engineering aspects of Monolithic Dome construction. He pictured it as a reference on reinforced concrete thin shells built using an inflatable form—a reference specifically written for engineers, architects and builders as well as students in those fields.
Who better to write such a book than Arnold. During his 40-year career at BYU, he taught a full range of undergraduate and graduate courses on thin shell construction and counseled students working on a Master’s Thesis or Master’s Project.
Moreover, Arnold’s engineering projects include more than 1500 concrete thin shells located in 48 of our states and in 40 other countries. In fact, David believes that Arnold has engineered more thin shells than any other person, living or dead.
David and Arnold began working together in 1976. And almost from the beginning of that relationship, David has been trying to talk Arnold into writing that sorely needed textbook. He finally succeeded!
Practical Design of Concrete Shells is now available. Generously illustrated with diagrams and photographs, this text describes and documents the innovative forming system used in the construction of reinforced concrete thin shells such as Monolithic Domes.
It discusses the benefits of such structures: cost-effective construction and maintenance, near-absolute protection from natural and some manmade disasters, structural strength and durability, extremely low energy use, interior and exterior design flexibility and eye appeal.
The book cites dome failures as well and gives the reasons for those failures.
Included are the computer programs both in print and on a cd used for calculating the stresses in a thin shell.
Its 398 pages present domes constructed as homes and as commercial and public facilities, huge domes with diameters of up to 1000 feet, unusual applications such as airplane hangars and water tanks, and a look at the future potential of domes.
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